Homeowners Association
The Association is created by filing Articles of Incorporation (“Articles”) for a nonprofit organization with the secretary of state.
The Declaration is the place to find all of the key information that defines how our association is structured, how it is governed, and what parts of the complex are common elements versus condo units that are the responsibility of our homeowners. The Declaration is the legal definition of any HOA and the place to look first for how an HOA works.
Bylaws cover the basic management structure of our association; membership, voting rights, and the structure of the Board of Directors.
Covers all of the current rules to which we should live by in an association such as ours. The Rules and Regulations are under the control of our condo Board of Directors which can vote to amend this document at any time.
Condominium Policies are Colorado State mandated documents that every Homeowners Association in Colorado has to have. These policies, some of which have been specifically worded to cover the Retreat on the Blue, are sort of the official rules for which our association has to conduct business.
Coming soon
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